headisspinning asks re: youths getting baptized: 'What's the rush?'
Good question!
have a look at the pictures of this youth.
doesn't look like his voice has even broken.. first article in the "study" edition.. http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/w_e_20110615.pdf.
"does reading the bible and studying the.
headisspinning asks re: youths getting baptized: 'What's the rush?'
Good question!
i heard the policy on disfellowshipping has changed, so that you cannot be disfellowshipped if you're not currently "fellowshipping".
does this apply if you're baptised, but haven't associated for over a decade and then choose to speak out in the media (specifically tv) in a way that the watchtower society would consider to be apostasy e.g.
questioning the society's function and/or the very existence of a creator?.
Welcome Madmen.
Yknot: We're counseled by the WTBTS to never put an inactive JW on the spot by asking him/her 'Where Have You Been' when he/she shows up to meeting one day.
Pardon our manners but many on this board would like to know ..........Where Have You Been?
Yknot, good to hear from you......... again. Are you just passing thru?
i currently have an elder body who, for the most part, seems utterly complacent and disinterested in actually "shepherding" anything.
i can't tell if they are lazy or just oblivious to their responsiblities of being "teachers".
it seems like they are the last to know anything and always procrastinate on everything.
tenyearsafter: 'the perception of power is a powerful "drug".' This is soo true. If a mans' motive to be an elder has anything to do with status, seeking a title and/or power, then he has failed before he is ever appointed. If this is true of say 50% of the men that currently serve as elders then that says alot!
Found Sheep: 'They sure didn't notice when I needed help untill I "sinned" then I was a PRIORITY!' Then you don't have one elder but three (JC committee) that 'care' and want to give you some personal attention. Ya, right!
Good topic.
the above mentioned article caught my eye for a couple of reasons .
.. it is obvious to most observers that the children of active jw's provide a potential "large army" and in spite of the attrition rate of jw youths (around 2/3's i believe), it's a resource the borg are keen to maximise.
there tactics appear to be encouraging baptism at an ever younger age.
Because of the many recent adjustments (ie. generation overlap, blood transfusions & fractions, reduction in pioneer and aux pioneer hours, deletion of the Book Study arrangement, change from P.O to COBE; the list of recent adjustments is endlesst) in the WT organization I would say that the Society would be the last institution that I would want my young ones to trust their life to.
It is obvious by all the recent and future adjustments to come that the WTBTS doesn't know what the sam hill it is doing.
Not to mention the unchristian and non-Biblical disfellowshipping and shunning policy that the WTBTS is determined to hold on to (Keep Yourselves In God's Love Pg 207 par 2).
Young ones why set yourselves up for failure with the WTBTS?
So: Should Youths Get Baptised?............................. Negative, No!
Good question.........Yknot where are you?
Give us a ..........
boy am i glad we are not witnesses anymore.
my son is having two large cysts removed tomarrow, they are in sort of a delicate area.
because of where they are located, the potential for heavy blood loss is high.
Wishing your son a speedy recovery.
well i am new to this, and i must admit that at first i was very opposed to this site.
i grew up being a witness and was warned about looking into apostate things, which is exactly what this site would be that they are referring to.
i always tried to live my life the best that i could under the societys control, and never really got to have any life experiance at all.
losecontrol commented: 'People in the hall really treated me and my wife like total garbage. They especially did so to my wife.'
I feel your pain. And I've seen this done to others time and time again.
My advice: Sounds like your heart is in the right place. Continue to be a good listner; stay focused and reassure your wife that you are committed not to the WTBTS but to her & your family.
Welcome and wish you & yours well.
POWER_Of_YOUTH: I can't hear you!
djeggnog invited me to start a new thread about the blood doctrine, which i am happy to do here.
his objection was my statement,.
"i've seen the blood video, a deceiving mix of scripture, fearmongering and pseudoscience, with plenty of lab coats in view.
djeggnog says:
There may be many things that make the Society look bad to some folks, but for the most part, people fault Jehovah's Witnesses for the decisions they make for themselves and their own children in their refusal to accept blood transfusions. Very few people fault the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society for the decisions that Jehovah's Witnesses make in this regard. You may one of the few people that faults the Society, but I can assure you, hardly anyone thinks the fault for the position that Jehovah's Witnesses take regarding blood transfusions lies with the Society.
djeggnog needs his rest cause he's r-e-a-l-l-y sounding Watchtarded!
im reading ray franz's book crisis of conscience!
it is brilliant!
he brings out some amazing points as to the credibility of the governing body!
Do the governing body play God?
With the stroke of the pen the GB can do away with the disfellowshipping and shunning practice. With the stroke of the pen they can do away with other God dishonoring practices that they themselves have invented. No one else has that kind of command among JWs. That shows how much power they have over 7+ million individuals.
Damn right they play God!